Wednesday devotions ~ Psalm 45

“My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.”
(Psalm 45:1)

As a person who likes to write, I just love the beauty of this verse. It speaks to why I write on a daily basis. People have asked how I can do this, but believe me, it is not because of some talent I have (far from it). It is ALL Holy Spirit. It is ALL about God. It is a natural outflow of what GOD has done, the “pleasing theme” in my heart. And therefore, I have updated the description line on my blog ( and my blog’s Facebook site with this verse to communicate that fact. And so, as a “ready scribe”, allow me to continue and address my king because of the pleasing theme He has put in my heart.

And the “pleasing theme” that flows out of my heart today is this:


That is the word that came to mind as I wrote the closing line of the opening paragraph. God’s faithfulness is what is ringing in my heart, giving me notes for the new song that He has placed there. And what a pleasing theme it is. It is pleasing because God does not have to be patient with this sinner, but He is. God does not have to promise anything to me other than condemnation, but He has promised me Life through Jesus. God does not have to sustain me with His Holy Spirit, but He does. God does not have to give me daily bread, but He provides. God’s faithfulness and steadfast love endures forever. It is no wonder that the psalmist echos that phrase over and over in the Psalms,

for His steadfast love endures forever” (read Psalm 136)

It is a song in his heart that is sung in this sinful heart. It is a pleasing theme that is flowing, running around the twists and turns, and over the rocky rapids of this life. It is a pleasing theme that puts a smile on my face but more importantly, joy in my heart. It is a pleasing theme that I know will never end. And thus I praise and worship God.

What is your “pleasing theme” today?

LET US PRAY: Father God, thank you for the song that You have placed in my heart. May my worship bring You glory, for you are deserving of more than I can possibly think of giving. Thank you for this “pleasing theme”. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.